About me



I'm Hayley, I'm the founder of Birthed in Bliss. I created this hub of support for pregnant women and their birth partners because I feel so strongly that everyone should have a birth they are proud of, everyone should turn to their partner and high five them when they have given birth! Everyone deserves to feel like a superhero! 

So what brought me to this point you ask? 

I'm a mum, I've given birth 8 times! I've had a range of births, I've had spontaneous natural births, I sadly had a stillbirth, I have had inductions and my final births have been home births, both land and water births.

I stumbled upon hypnobirthing in my 5th pregnancy when I was struggling with birth fear and anxiety, It changed my life! It changed the way I birth and the way I viewed Birth. Hypnobirthing gave me the tools I needed to make decisions in my pregnancy and labour that would give me the positive wonderful experiences I had heard so many people talk about. Most of all, it gave me trust in my body, in my baby and most of all I was excited about Birth!

Which led me to creating Birthed in Bliss, not only do I want to pass on those tools to you, I want to make sure you always have a place to turn to for support, to ask questions and to feel part of a village of people who just get it. I get being a mum, the day to day stresses, the worries. 

I cant wait to meet you all!


